From Pastor Mike…..
Many generations ago, the psalmist wrote, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” This is a verse we have heard quoted at funerals and probably have even read quite a few times ourselves in our own private worship times. It is a verse that brings comfort and peace to our troubled spirits. It is also a verse that is appropriate for us here at Archdale United Methodist Church during these past few weeks. We have not just been walking in the valley of the shadow of death but it seems we have pitched our tents and camped there for a while. We have had multiple deaths in our church family that has caused us to hurt and grieve. We have lost friends and family members that were near and dear to us. We have as a church family experienced loss and are grieving over those lost ones.
This verse, and others that remind us of God’s presence and peace, bring us comfort and healing during these troubled times. We are reminded that God is not some distant benevolent force overseeing creation but rather God is personal and right in the very center of our lives with us. The image the psalmist portrays here is that of a shepherd guarding and guiding a flock of sheep. The sheep are protected both by the shepherd’s presence and by the wielding of his rod in their defense. Enemies that come to slay and harm the sheep are quickly dispatched by the power and might of the shepherd. And if a sheep is wounded by some of these enemies, the shepherd comes and quickly comforts it and brings the means of healing. As we walk in the valley of the shadow of death, we are reminded that “never alone are the least of His children” for God walks with us. As we are bombarded by spiritual enemies – grief, pain, confusion, frustration, loss – God defends us with his mighty Spirit and pours the oil of healing on our spirits. With God by our sides, we know we can face whatever the enemy throws at us.
There is, however, another truth I learn from this scripture that also brings me much comfort when I am walking or camping in the valley of the shadow of death. I have heard the phrase “we are sheep of His pasture” for many years. While this saying reminds me of God’s lordship over our lives as believers, it also reminds me that we belong to one another. There is a tie that binds us together found in His grace and salvation. Since we are of the same flock and abide in the same pasture, we have responsibilities to love and care for one another. It is in times such as these when we need to become the “hands and feet of Christ” in each other’s lives. We need to l love and care for one another with the tender healing and sustaining love that the Good Shepherd so lavishly pours out on each of us. As we walk through this time of grieving and healing, it is my prayer and hope that we will incarnate the Spirit of God and share His love and grace with all those with whom we come into contact. May God’s grace and peace abide within your spirit and may you know God’s love.
Stephen Ministry at Archdale UMC

Stephen Ministry is a ministry in our congregation in which trained and supervised lay persons, called Stephen Ministers, provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties. The name “Stephen” comes from St. Stephen, who was the first lay person commissioned by the apostles to provide caring ministry to those in need as recorded in Acts 6. Stephen Ministers are caring Christian friends who listen, understand, accept, and pray for and with those who are working through a crisis or a tough time. If you would like to talk with a Stephen Minister or know someone who would benefit from having a Stephen Minister meet with them, please contact our Pastor or a Stephen Minister: Peggy Johnson or Greg Mollenkopf.
Our Stephen Ministers are here to care for you!
Thanks to everyone who made hygiene kits or donated money to buy the items. With the help of the entire congregation, we were able to provide 117 hygiene kits for use wherever they are needed.
Where We Were Last Month
Date | Offering Received | Budget Amount Received to Date | Budget Amount Needed to Date | Week# | Sunday School | Worship Attendance |
07/03/2022 | $6,528.00 | $146,167.56 | $168,070.14 | 27 | 67 | 68 |
07/10/2022 | $5,139.71 | $151,307.27 | $174,294.96 | 28 | 78 | 91 |
07/17/2022 | $2,930.00 | $154,237.27 | $180,519.78 | 29 | 79 | 90 |
07/24/2022 | $3,534.71 | $157,771.98 | $186,744.60 | 30 | 76 | 90 |
07/31/2022 | $6,660.42 | $164,432.40 | $192,969.42 | 31 | 83 | 95 |
Building Fund
Given in June: $3,395.00
Received to date: $15,620.00

Debbie Dean, Charles Dobbins, Amelia Evans, Mandy Forrester, Wayne McGavic, Betty Roach, Nancy Roberts, Mary Jean Smith, Leonard & Jackie Stroud.
Our Homebound Members are very important members of our congregation.
We would like to remind them they are remembered and thought of. If you would like to
send them a birthday card, thinking of you card, or give them a call, this would mean so much to each of our Homebound Members.

COAT is in need of the following items:
Soup, Pasta Sauce, Canned Pintos, Cereal Jelly & Any “Backpack” food
You can place your donations in the bins located in the foyer of the Fellowship Hall and the Education Building.
Please pray for those serving our country.

Logan Brinkley – US Marines (friend of Rae Hicks)
Matt Cain – US Army (family friend of the McGavics)
Spencer Dyson – US Marines (grandson of Don Miller)
Bryan Hayworth – US Coast Guard (brother of Jami Coggins)
Jospeh Hennessey – US Marines ( nephew & Godson of Steven Durr)
Ginniffer Hobbs – US Navy Sailor ( niece of David McKinney)
Richard Ivy – US Military, Louisiana (Lewis Stroud’s grandson)
Jake Lawrence – US Army (friend of Rebecca Kidd)
Daulton Rogers – US Marines (family friend of the McGavics)
Eric Schneider – Afghanistan (Donn & Rachel Jackson’s son-in-law)
Hailey Tompkins – (friend of Sandy Foster)
Zack Willey – US Army (Chuck & Jane Liebscher’s son-in-law)
“Save us, LORD our God, and bring us back from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.”
Psalm 106:47
School Supplies
Another school year is about to begin and we have an opportunity to help teachers at Archdale Elementary School as well as our local middle and high schools. All supplies will be shared with all grade levels. Below is a list of items on the teacher’s wish list.
If you are able to help by providing any of these items, please bring them to the church office by August 31. This will be a few days after school begins, but the teachers will be glad to get them at any time.
– #2 wood pencils
– mechanical pencils
– lined notebook paper
– spiral composition books
– marble (black & white cover) composition notebooks
– colored pencils (any size box)
– glue sticks
– washable markers (any size box)
– 2 pocket folders (w/3 prongs)
– folders (no prongs)
– colored ink pens
– scissors (all sizes)
– highlighters (any colors)
– post-it notes
– earbuds
– cap erasers for wood pencils
– crayons (any size box)
– dry eraser markers
– 3-ring binders (w/ 1-1/2″ spine)
– Clorox wipes

08/01 David Clausel
08/01 Isley Collins
08/02 Joey Aspley
08/02 Mike Gross
08/03 Bob Dowling
08/03 Debbie Dowling
08/03 June Gardner
08/03 Trey Liebscher
08/03 Matt Walden
08/05 Bryant Walker
08/05 Henry Watson
08/06 Jim Beverley
08/07 Sarah Penley
08/07 Baylin Stanley
08/08 Jessica Grove
08/08 Karen Hamilton
08/08 Lib Harris
08/08 Wilma Wilson
08/09 Jordan Rose
08/09 Paul Thomas
08/10 Christian Coggins
08/10 Brandel Kimmons
08/11 Rae Askew
08/11 Denise Warren
08/11 Corey Yow
08/12 Tommy Reagan
08/13 Cameron Crisco
08/13 Glenna Dysinger
08/13 Erin Hawkins
08/13 Dixie Lamphear
08/13 Matthew Mitchell
08/13 Brian Staples
08/14 Angie Grimmett
08/15 Morgan Gallimore
08/16 Carolyn Lawrence
08/16 Kay McLaughlin
08/17 Leslie Durm
08/17 Natalee Harper
08/17 Laura Van Meter
08/17 Tim Williams
08/18 Skip Hopkinson
08/18 Robin Thompson
08/19 Bob Bowser
08/19 Sandra Hale
08/19 Mark Hamilton
08/19 Luke Kirby
08/22 Wayne Brewer
08/22 Michael Mikhail
08/24 Shorty Kimmons
08/24 Lindsay Ray
08/24 Rhonda Sharpe
08/24 Sheree Winstead
08/25 Savannah Hyder
08/26 Sydney Collins
08/27 Billy Askew
08/27 Jennifer Shore
08/28 Nancy Burrow
08/28 Doug Shores
08/29 Mike Byerly
08/29 Jack Hicks
08/29 Donna Kish
08/29 John Kish
08/29 Jennifer Wilson
08/30 Wade Allen
08/30 Emmie Messner
08/31 Joe Mike Smith
In Memory of Fred Garrett
Given by:
Sharon Carpenter
Friendship SS Class
Hoyt & Kay Nichols
Mary Cross & Mike Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Donnan
Nancy & Wildon Foster
David & Frances Osborne
In Memory of Martha Shives
Given by:
Hoyt & Kay Nichols
Linda Game
Charles & Marsha Gentry
John & Beth Todd
Sharon Carpenter
Ray & Shirley Cecil
Mary & Rebecca Kidd
Upper Reflections SS Class
Sharon Crist
Bobbie Finch
Peggy Johnson
Wanda Peele
Marshall & Debra White
Hugh Presswood
John & Carol Marchionda
Clifton & Colleen Reed
Kevin & Brenda Carter
Larry & Jo Carol Dobbins
Shirley Shackelford
Charles Dobbins
Roy Catlett
Teresa Dawkins
Sandra Hale
Kenneth & Jacquelyn McDowell
Gary & Cathy Hunt & Family
George Elder SS Class
Thomas & Betsy Reagan
Julus & Macy Locklear
Rhonda & James Lang
Mrs. Gaye Smith
Betty Davis
Doris Burton
June & Tom Patrick
Tom Isom, CPA
Camilla Lowe Henderson
James & Lib Harris
Ray & Angela Bennett
Paul, Anita, Alicia & Justin
In Memory of Norma Smith
Given by:
Archdale United Methodist Women
Jim & Merle Beverley
Linda Game
Peggy Johnson
Friendship SS Class
Gary Brock
Virginia Hart
Bobbie Finch
Hoyt & Kay Nichols
Charles & Marsha Gentry
Thomas & Betsy Reagan
Blaine & Andrea Smith
Harold Shives lost his wife, Martha, on June 29, 2022. Martha was also the Sister-in-Law of Loretta
Yates. Martha’s information can be found in the Membership Section of this newsletter.
AUMC member, Joy Garrett, lost her husband, Fred on July 1, 2022. Fred was also the father of AUMC member, John Garrett. Information about Fred’s membership at AUMC is located in the Membership section of the newsletter.
Rusty Smith, AUMC member, lost his Mother-in-Law, Jan Duguid Jenkins, July 8, 2022. She was a
resident of Asheville. The Rite of Christian Burial is planned for 10 a.m. October 8, 2022 at St. Eugene Catholic Church, 72 Culvern St., Asheville NC 28804.
Vicki Fletcher a member of Archdale United Methodist Church lost her son, Michael Lee Wentz, July 11, 2022. More information on Michael is under the Membership section of this newsletter.
Rusty Smith’s mother, Norma Comer Smith, passed away July17, 2022. Norma’s write up can be found under the Membership section of this newsletter.
AUMC member, Kim Earnhardt, lost her mother Kathy “Kat” Earnhardt July 16, 2022 at the Grand Strand Medical Center in South Carolina. Kathy was also the grandmother of Paul Game III. A time of visitation was held July 23, 2022 from 2- 4 pm at Cumby Family Funeral Service in Archdale.
We extend our love and sympathy to all who have lost a loved one.
It is important to keep our church Sunday School Classes updated when new members join.
Your involvement is so vital to make this happen. When you add new members to your Sunday School Class, please contact me with their name and the date they joined the class.
We also need to keep committees and other work areas in the church current. Again you are asked to provide me with a copy of your committee or group members so they can be input in the church records.
The college address for our college students need to be submitted for keeping up with our young adults. Please provide their 2022-2023 address per the information below.
I have a mailbox in the foyer of the Fellowship Hall when information can be dropped off. You may email the information or contact me directly.
Shirley Cecil
Membership Secretary
Martha Ann McDowell Shives passed away on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital in Greensboro. She joined Archdale United Methodist Church October 12, 1997 and remained a faithful and loyal member until late February 2022 Martha was a member of the Adult Fellowship Sunday School and was very committed to her class members. She and Harold hosted the annual class Christmas
meal/party for many years. They also treated each person present with a lovely gift basket that Martha prepared. Many in attendance received a door prize in addition to their gift basket. Martha always shared readings and quotes at these special events. Prior to the Bereavement Committee providing meals when an Adult Fellowship SS Class member passed away, Martha and Harold would always donate the fried chicken for the meal. Most of these meals were served at the church and she would occasionally bring a dish to provide color to the food table. She was a long time of the United Methodist Men attending with Harold and participating in the Methodist Men’s BBQ by baking many pies. Many who attended the BBQ enjoyed a slice of Pecan, German Chocolate or Coconut pie she made. Martha worked in the Community Room at each BBQ almost all day cutting the pies and interacting with those in attendance. This past April was the first time she was not personally in attendance at the Methodist Men’s BBQ. Martha was a Church Council member for several years and rarely missed a meeting. She took her servant role responsibly. Martha also participated in Bible Study Groups at AUMC. Martha supported Harold in his role at Visitation Minister at AUMC. She responded to many telephone calls for Harold when he was out visiting. After her retirement she would sometimes visit the homebound with Harold. She attended worship wherever
Harold might be a guest preacher and attended many funerals with Harold when he officiated.
Martha’s funeral service was held July 2, 2022 at 2pm in the Chapel of Cumby Family Funeral Service in Archdale with Rev. Jeff Sypole officiating. Her interment followed at Floral Garden Park Cemetery.
Fred Milton Garrett passed away Friday, July 1, 2022 at the Hospice House in High Point. His membership date was December 1, 1973. Fred attended traditional worship with his wife and son, John, until his health declined. He served as an usher/greeter at the 8:30 a.m. service. He was a long time member of the Friendship Sunday School Class and has served as President in years past. He truly enjoyed participating in the Brunswick Stew socials this Sunday School Class had as long as they were being held. He was a past member of the Methodist Men when their meeting was held on Thursday evenings. Fred’s service to celebrate his life was held Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 11am from the graveside at Roselawn Burial Park in Martinsville, VA with Military Honors accorded by the Martinsville and Henry County Veterans Honor Guard
Michael Lee Wentz passed away in Texas July 11, 2022. Michael attended AUMC as a child. He went through Confirmation and joined Archdale United Methodist Church April 5, 1992 when Rev. Keith Bingham was the Pastor.
Norma Comer Smith’s earthly life ended July 17, 2022 at Lexington Memorial Hospital. Norma joined AUMC December 09, 1984. She was a member of the Friendship SS Class for many years where she remained active and she loved and valued the friendship of her Sunday School Class members. Norma sang in the Choir at AUMC for many years and was such an asset to the choir until 2013 when she gave up being a Choir member. Norma was the Seniors Lunch Coordinator for at least 20 years. She planned many delightful and fun trips for the church members and community friends. She planned
monthly lunches for the seniors. Many church members and friends truly valued the time and effort she put into planning these trips and have wonderful memories. Norma was a member of the United Methodist Women since 2012. The new name for this group of ladies is United Women in Faith as of March, 2022. She attended the evening unit, then the morning unit until the two merged in February 2017. She served several years as Secretary of the Tuesday Morning Unit and also as Secretary of the
General Meeting which is the combined unit of all the AUMC Women United in Faith units.
She was the Treasurer for the Take Two consignment of children’s clothing, toys, etc. for a long time when this was ongoing and sponsored by the Take Two Committee. She was a participate in Bible Study Groups, a Prayer Partner for the Children and Youth, worked with Guilford Interfaith Hospitality Network when this was ongoing at AUMC, volunteered in the office for 5 years and other servant opportunities when asked.
Norma was a kidney recipient many years ago and she truly enjoyed life and promoted organ donation.
Her Celebration of Life was held July 20, 2022 at Archdale United Methodist Church at 1pm with Pastor Michael Lee and Rev. Dr. Jeff Patterson officiating.
We are saddened with the loss of our church family members. When someone you
love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.