Come and join us every Sunday morning for Sunday school starting at 9:45am and for Sunday worship, in the sanctuary at 10:45am. Every Sunday rain or shine.
It is my pleasure to serve as the pastor of Archdale Methodist Church. For over ninety-seven years, the mission and purpose of Archdale Methodist Church has been to help people find a life-transforming relationship with God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
If you are searching for a place where you can be connected to caring, compassionate people and worship and grow in your Christian faith, let me invite you to come worship with us at Archdale Methodist Church. We are committed to sharing warm hospitality, joyful worship, and a God-centered message. You will find a community of loving people of all ages who will welcome you, support you and pray for you. We have Sunday School classes covering all ages and small groups dedicated to service, ministry, and spiritual development.
Life “In Christ” is not a destination but rather a journey. A journey and process made easier as we help one another through faith and support for one another.
Pastor: Rev. Mike Lee
Minister of Visitation Emeritus: Rev. Harold Shives
Director of Youth Ministries: Unfilled
Coordinator of Children’s Ministry: Unfilled
Choir Director & Organist: Unfilled
Pianist: Mrs. Denise Warren
Office Administrator: Mrs. Sidney Pace
Custodians: Mr. & Mrs. Russ Carr
Archdale United Episcopal Church, South was officially organized September 6, 1925, at the Fourth Quarterly Conference of Highland M.E. Church, South of High Point, North Carolina. There had been a regular preaching appointment and Sunday school during the summer preceding. These services were held on Sunday afternoon in the Archdale Public School building. This church was organized with twenty charter members. Reverend E.M. Jones was the organizer and the first pastor of the church.
The first Sunday school was held in the afternoon and the attendance was fifty with a $3.01 collection. The average attendance for the first quarter was 55. While Rev. Jones was pastor, the average attendance for Sunday school grew from 55 to 187 in 1933.
On Easter Monday, 1926, the trustees of the church bought the site on which the church now stands. In the spring, 1927, the foundation of the church was laid. The building was completed by November 1 of the same year, and was opened with a great revival meeting which added many to the church membership.
In 1954, an additional eleven-classroom educational building was added to the back of the church at a cost of $25,350. A few years later additional land was bought at the back of the church on Petty Street for further expansion. In 1961, the congregation felt the need for additional Sunday school classrooms. At that time $15,000 was put in the budget for the new building program and this was added to monthly. In the spring of 1962, the building committee submitted plans for the new building which was approved by the congregation. The building started in July, 1962, and completed in early December, 1962. This new addition cost in excess of $60,000 with the furnishings. The Fellowship Hut was enlarged and redecorated along with the addition of a new modern kitchen. At the same time, classrooms in the older educational building were painted and furnishings added.
On Sunday, August 14, 1966, the congregation approved plans for a complete remodeling of the sanctuary and the building of a steeple tower. On Sunday, June 24, 1984, the congregation voted to purchase the Frank & Percie Payne property next to the parking lot across Petty Street. This piece of property was to give room to expand. The cost of the house (one of the oldest in Archdale) and lot was $64,500. The Payne house was demolished on September 13, 1988. On October 1, 1989, the church voted to purchase more property behind the present fellowship hall that connects with Freeman Place. A new fellowship hall was completed by May, 1995. On June 20, 1998 a storm tore the roof off the educational building destroying the entire second floor and furnishings. While rebuilding these classrooms, the entire educational building was upgraded and refurnished. Sunday school classes, which were held in the fellowship hall and mobile trailers during the one-year renovation, moved back into the new building on May 9, 1999. A new parsonage was built in 1975 located at 3511 Garrell Street. The 2500 square foot home was dedicated on May 26, 1985.
The church employs a minister, office administrator, choir director/organist, pianist and a two person custodian crew.
The following persons have served as pastor
E. M. Jones, 1925-31
William T. Albright, 1931-33
J. W. Groce, 1933-37
R. C. Kirk 1937-39
0. B. Mitchell, 1939-1940
G. W. White, 1940- 44
William B. Penny, 1944-47
Fred L. Setzer, 1947-51
W. S. Smith, 1951-55
0. L. Brown, 1955-57
Paul H. Duckwall, 1957
Ernest D. Page, 1958-63
Ivan A. Stephens, 1964-67
George Stuart, Jr., 1967-70
Earl Black 1970-74
George Lyndon, Jr., 1974-76
R. Cliff Summey, 1976-80
Ralph H. Eanes, Jr., 1980-86
Keith W. Bingham, 1986-92
Joel Key, 1992-95
Jeff Patterson, 1995-99
Mary John Dye, 1999-2003
Dana McKim, 2003-2009
Stuart Noell, 2009-2015
Dana Bunn, 2015-2017
Allan Van Meter, 2017-2022
Mike Lee, 2022-2023
Alexis Coleman, 2023-2023
Mike Lee, 2024 – Present
The Neighborhood Cafe, a collaborative effort of five local churches in the Archdale/Trinity area, serves as a community meal and outreach every Thursday at Trinity Memorial UMC, located at 7140 NC Hwy 62 in Trinity, NC. The event runs from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM, with doors opening at 5:15 PM.
Invite a friend and join us!
Do you have a prayer request, or wish to speak with Pastor Mike? Click the button below to get in touch!