From Pastor Mike
The Advent Season is upon us! It is one of the most cherished and loved times of the year but also one of the busiest and most chaotic. It seems as if the clocks and calendars run faster during December. There are a thousand and one things to be done – cards to be written, presents to be bought and wrapped, and homes to be decorated. And in the midst of this hullabaloo, if we aren’t careful we miss the true meaning and purpose to the Christmas season. It is a time for each of us to celebrate the gift of love given to us in the manger – The Messiah, The Anointed One – Jesus. My prayer is that you and your family will find time during this Christmas Season to reflect on the importance of this gift in your lives and then praise and worship God for your personal relationship He has provided to each of us.
Here at Archdale UMC, we will be offering several special times of worship. Most of our Sunday School classes will have seasonal parties to gather for fellowship and fun. If you are not involved in a Sunday School class, this is the perfect opportunity to find your place to belong. During our morning worship services, beginning November 27th and running through December 18th, we will celebrate Advent. Our sermon series will be entitled “Christmas Gifts That Won’t Break.” We will be highlighting the themes of Advent – Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love – with the lighting of the Advent Wreath. The Sanctuary Choir will lead us in worship with a special musical presentation on December 18th. Our church family will also be gathering for a Christmas Eve communion worship celebration. We invite you to come as families, sit together, and celebrate Holy Communion as a family. If your family is not in this area, come out and join with others to make a family. I believe this will be a very special worship time.
This year we have the wonderful privilege of being together in worship on Christmas Day. We will come together in Sunday School classes and in worship. It will be a marvelous day of praise and worship as we celebrate the gift of Jesus to the world. I look forward to sharing this worship service with each of you.
Allow me to take this time to also share a personal word with each of you. I want to thank you for accepting me as your pastor and allowing me to share in your lives and the lives of your family. It is a special gift that you, as a church family, have given to me. I don’t think I have ever felt as accepted and loved in such a short period of time. It is my pleasure and privilege to be your pastor and lead you as we follow the “Light of the World” who came to us in this Christmas season. My prayer is that you each find Him anew and afresh in your lives and discover His mission and purpose for your lives. Merry Christmas!
AUMC Christmas Card Post Office Mailbox is Back!

YOU DO NOT have to mail your Christmas cards to other church members. The Archdale UMC Post Office box will be available again this year. It will be placed on the table outside the Wesley Room, inside the door into the Educational Building, beginning Sunday, November 27, through Sunday, December 18. Each week the cards will be sorted by Sunday school classrooms and placed in those rooms. In addition to the person’s name, please put their classroom name. In the upper left corner put your name. Cards for persons not in a Sunday school classroom will not be mailed, nor will cards for shut-in members.
If you attend AUMC worship service in person or online, but haven’t joined a Sunday School class, the Upper Reflections Sunday School class invites you to join us during the Advent season. In January we will begin an 8-week study called The Prayer Course by Pete Greig founder of “24-7 Prayer”. About prayer he says, “Keep it simple, keep it real, keep it up.” All are welcome! Each session will include a short video lesson and some discussion as well as a chance for fellowship–coffee included!
Take a risk; get out of the “row” and into a “circle”. Friendship awaits in our class or in one of the other great Sunday School classes at AUMC on Sunday mornings at 9:45.
For more information see or call Carolyn Lawrence 336-963-0538 or any other class member.

2023 Giving Envelopes are available for pick up in the Narthex or your Sunday School Class
Where We Were Last Month
Date | Offering Received | Budget Amount Received to Date | Budget Amount Needed to Date | Week# | Sunday School | Worship Attendance |
11/06/2022 | $6,526.42 | $246,089.08 | $280,116.90 | 45 | 83 | 106 |
11/13/2022 | $4,245.27 | $250,334.35 | $285,341.72 | 46 | 81 | 97 |
11/20/2022 | $6,053.71 | $256,388.06 | $292,566.54 | 47 | 90 | 107 |
11/27/2022 | $3,592.00 | $259,980.06 | $298,791.36 | 48 | 71 | 107 |
Building Fund
Given in November: $670.00
Received to date: $17,890.00

Remember our Homebound
Debbie Dean, Charles Dobbins, Amelia Evans, Mandy Forrester, Jack Hensley, Wayne McGavic, Jo Parker, Betty Roach, Nancy Roberts, Mary Jean Smith, Jackie Stroud
Our Homebound Members are very important members of our congregation. We would like to remind them they are remembered and thought of. If you would like to send them a birthday card, thinking of you card, or give them a call, this would mean so much to each of our Homebound Members.
Homebound December Birthdays
December 12. Debbie Dean
608 Oakmont Circle Archdale, NC 27263. 336-307-3926
Please pray for those serving our country.

Matt Cain – US Army (family friend of the McGavics)
Spencer Dyson – US Marines (grandson of Don Miller)
Bryan Hayworth – US Coast Guard (brother of Jami Coggins)
Jospeh Hennessey – US Marines ( nephew & Godson of Steven Durr)
Ginniffer Hobbs – US Navy Sailor ( niece of David McKinney)
Richard Ivy – US Military, Louisiana (Lewis Stroud’s grandson)
Jake Lawrence – US Army (friend of Rebecca Kidd)
Daulton Rogers – US Marines (family friend of the McGavics)
Eric Schneider – Afghanistan (Donn & Rachel Jackson’s son-in-law)
Hailey Tompkins – (friend of Sandy Foster)
Zack Willey – US Army (Chuck & Jane Liebscher’s son-in-law)
“Save us, LORD our God, and bring us back from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.”
Psalm 106:47
In Memory of Leonard Stroud
Given by:
Gary Brock
Marsha Gentry
Mary Kidd
George Elder SS Class
Thomas & Betsy Reagan
Hoyt & Kay Nichols
Robert Upchurch
Marshall & Debra Stroud White
Hugh Presswood

12/01 Maxine Sechrest
12/02 Laynie Jo McCall
12/02 Pete Smith
12/03 Vance Hollifield
12/03 Audy Parrish
12/04 Miles Talbert
12/04 Virginia Rothermel
12/05 John Hamilton
12/05 Matt Watson
12/07 Kip Johnson
12/07 Libby McGavic
12/07 Hoyt Nichols
12/07 Megan Smith
12/09 Abbey Cates
12/09 Sandra Sanders
12/10 Mike Allred
12/10 Jay Aspley
12/10 Sam Brown
12/10 Jack Du
12/10 Wayne Huthmaker
12/10 John Lynch
12/10 Erin Simpson
12/11 Debbie Gaskey
12/11 Luke Johnson
12/11 Lyn Smith
12/11 James Stanley
12/12 Debbie Dean
12/13 Lindsay Wilson
12/14 Dot Johnson
12/14 Ethan Paschal
12/15 Laura Burns
12/15 Dee Hodgin
12/15 Pat McAnally
12/15 Stephen White
12/16 Peter Stevens
12/16 Penny Stewart
12/16 Brian Tickle
12/17 Tim Coggins
12/17 Karen Dietz
12/17 Lora Krpejs
12/17 Nelly Smith
12/18 Chris Colclough
12/19 Debbie Coltrane
12/19 Lori Lyons
12/20 Joan Angel
12/20 Michael Felder
12/21 Evan Gallimore
12/22 Mackenzie Blossom
12/22 Zach Thompson
12/23 Aaron McKim
12/24 Angie Britt
12/24 Keith Gallimore
12/24 Barry Smith
12/24 Robin Sulfridge
12/26 Richard Lambert
12/26 Kirby Mazoo
12/26 John Todd
12/26 Linda Williams
12/27 Larry Sheppard
12/28 Matthew Boles
12/28 Tanner Hamilton
12/28 Emily Romano
12/29 Adonna Paschal
12/29 Laurie Smith
12/29 Phyllis Wilson
12/30 Ashley Boyle
12/31 Trip Hale
12/31 Cathy Hunt

The Women in Faith have Apple Crisps (sugar & sugar-free) available in the church office for $10 each.
Thank You!
Bruce and I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and phone calls during Bruce’s recent hospital stay. Many blessings to each of you.
– Carole Webb
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Thank you to the people that ordered a memorial brick. They have been ordered, and I will let you know when they come in.
– Cheryl Traylor
– AUMC member, David Taylor, lost his stepmother, June Wilson Taylor on October 26, 2022 at Pennybyrn in High Point. June was preceded in death by husband, Lloyd Taylor, who was a former member of AUMC. June remained a friend of the church for several years. A memorial service for June was held November 1, 2022 at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church in High Point. Her burial was at Guilford Memorial Park in Greensboro.
– AUMC member Jackie Stroud lost her husband Leonard Leon Stroud on November 16, 2022. Leonard was father to AUMC members, Cathy Hunt and Melinda Peele. Leonard was the father-in-law of members, Gary Hunt and Kevin Peele. He was also grandfather to members Jonathan & Matthew Hunt and Daniel & Bryan Peele and the great grandfather to Jackson & Noah Hunt and Jonah Peele. See additional information on Leonard in the Membership Section.
– Jeanette Elder Whiteley, daughter of the late George and Ruby Elder, passed away October 18, 2022. Jeanette visited AUMC occasionally and also attended Sunday School. She lived in South Carolina for years while her parents were still in Archdale. Her service was held October 24, 2022 at Central United Methodist Church in Florence SC.
We extend our love and condolences to those who have lost a loved one.
Leonard Leon Stroud left his earthly home November 16, 2022 at Atrium Wake Forest Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem. Leonard’s life at AUMC began as a child and he became a member in 1936. Leonard and Jackie were married at AUMC December 30, 1951 and were married 70 years. He faithfully attended AUMC as long as his health allowed.
Leonard was a long time member of the Friendship Sunday School Class. Leonard was very involved with the chicken pie project in the class and really enjoyed being a part of getting together to make the pies. He also enjoyed helping with the class Brunswick Stew annual social.
Leonard served on different groups/committees that include the following. He was a member of the Official Board from 1958 – 1965 serving as Secretary in 1960 and 1961. The board members were also known as Stewards. He then served on the Administrative Board from 1985 – 1990 and again from 1993 – 1996. Another area of service was the Finance Committee where he was a member from 1989 – 2001. Leonard’s service and dedication to AUMC continued for many years and we are so grateful for all he did and for the footprint of his life for 86 or more years at Archdale United Methodist Church.
Shirley Cecil
Membership Secretary
Some people approach the holidays with dread and anxiety. We may say, “Christmas just isn’t what it used to be. January can’t get here fast enough.” Life circumstances have taken a toll on many of us the last couple of years. What can we do to help ourselves?
Here are a few suggestions:
– Participate in only carefully chosen parts of all the holiday activities; don’t try to go all out decorating, etc
– Stop ignoring the way you really feel. Cold, rainy weather and depression can bring us down. Remind yourself life constantly changes. The way you feel today is not the way you will feel forever.
– Be kind to yourself. Give yourself a gift or surprise. Take care of yourself physically by cutting back on sweets. Eating well-balanced meals and drinking plenty of water is first aid for grieving people.
– Increase your exercise. Getting some exercise is better than none. Exercise reduces stress.
– Rely on your faith. Trust in your inner wisdom to bring out your faith at this time. Attending special services or talking with your spiritual leader can be healing.
– Remember your loved one. Lighting a candle, hanging a special stocking or ornament, say a special prayer or cook your loved one’s favorite dish will help everyone treasure the memory of a loved one.
– Accept help. Let someone else do your grocery shopping, or pick up something for you.
– Leave a light on. Household lights are welcoming and reassuring when returning home.
– Plan ahead. Make some plans for the days after January 1. Post-holiday blues are a natural let down and can be lightened by having something to anticipate.
– Extend hope to others. No matter how bad things seem to us, there are others worse off than we are. There is a miracle in helping others. We receive as much, if not more, than we give.
– Finally, in spite of how we feel, this is only a relatively short period of time. We need not just survive this season, we can actually thrive in it by taking care of our own needs.
Stephen Ministers are caring Christian friends who listen, understand, accept, and pray for and with those who are working through a crisis or a tough time. If you would like to talk with a Stephen Minister or know someone who would benefit from having a Stephen Minister meet with them, please contact our Pastor or a Stephen Minister: Peggy Johnson or Greg Mollenkopf.
Our Stephen Ministers are here to care for you!

December Calendar
Dec 10: Women in Faith General Meeting
Both Circles will meet in the Community Room at 11am, please bring a bag lunch
Dec 12: SPRC Meeting at 6:30pm (Conference Room)
Dec 13: Finance Committee Meeting at 6:30pm (Fellowship Hall)
Dec 18: Christmas Cantata
Dec 21: Newsletter Deadline
Dec 24: Christmas Eve Communion Service at 6:30pm
Dec 25: Christmas Day
Dec 26: Christmas Holiday (Church Office Closed)
Every Sunday:
Sunday School – 9:45am
Worship Service – 10:45am
Every Wednesday:
Choir Practice – 7pm
The Upper Reflections Sunday School Class will meet for lunch on December 13 at 12:30 at Holly Ridge Golf Links. To support Lydia’s Place, a new Randolph County temporary emergency shelter for women and children, please bring a pair/package of women’s or children’s socks and/or a bottle of laundry detergent.
Archdale United Methodist Church annual charge conference was held November 6, 2022. The names of 33 members with unknown addresses were read for the second consecutive year based on the directive from the Book of Discipline 228.3 and 4. These names must be included in the minutes of the last two years according to the Book of Discipline.
The record of those removed must be retained in order that upon reaffirmation of the baptismal covenant the person may be restored as a member. Should a transfer of membership be requested, the pastor may, after consultation with the person, issue the certificate of transfer.
The following have been removed from the membership of Archdale United Methodist Church.
Patricia Albach
Emily Becker
Sam Becker
Kelly Becker Blanton
Linda Poteat Blanton
Robert Frederick “Bob” Bowser
Todd Butler
Sherry Fields Chandler
Janet Snyder Dugger
Pam Lance Gregory
Sherri Gregory
Leah Haithcock Hawkins
Richard Henson
Stuart Hunter
Cameron King
Greg King
Joy Lance
Bob Maslen
Phyllis Maslen
Georgia Mertel
Steve Mertel
Allen Robbins
Sharon Russo Sears
Gerald Sellers
Jennifer Shore
Lyn Smith
Sue Smith
Jenni Staples
Mark Stone
Michelle Tickle
Maria Vogler
Maggie Becker Ward
Rodney Wheeler
– Shirley Cecil
Membership Secretary

Thanks to all who donated Christian materials for the Harvest Seeds/Love Packages project in memory of Rosa Allred. We have collected about 8 boxes of materials including many books from Rosa’s library. The materials will be delivered to the drop off location at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Shelby, NC on December 6. From there they will be trucked to Illinois for shipping oversees. We have distributed some of the donated Bibles and books at the Neighborhood Café. Our guests have taken them eagerly. Please pray for all those who will hear about God’s Hope for the world through Jesus Christ. See website to see many stories and testimonies from grateful recipients: